How to build a local API route in Nuxt 3

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Setup local Nuxt API route

Create a server folder at the root of your Nuxt project if it doesn't exist.

Inside the server folder, create an api folder /server/api.

Inside the api folder create a file and let's name it as users.ts, i.e /server/api/users.ts.

The code

Fetching data from external API

In users.ts file:

                                        // users.ts
// We are using a dummy API mock from

export default defineCachedEventHandler(
  async (event) => {
    const data = await $fetch('')
                 .catch((error) =>;
    return data;
  { swr: true } // this will enable caching

Fetching data from the Nuxt application

Now the server api has been set up, we ready to fetch it from our Nuxt's application

                                        // pages/index.vue

    {{ data }}

<script setup lang="ts">
  const { data } = await useFetch('/api/users');
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